WPF Executive Committee
Here you will find information on the WPF executive team.
Clubs in the Welsh Photographic Federation
Below you will find the latest information on the officers of our member clubs:
Here you will find a list of WPF approved judges.
The Judges Assessment Form can be completed online Here – your feedback is valuable both for the judge and the WPF in maintaining and improving high standards.
Are you looking for a presenter for your club programme or events?
For a full list of WPF approved presenters click here.
The Presenters Assessment Form can be filled in Online Here: – feedback is valuable both for the presenter and the WPF in maintaining and improving high standards.
Other Links
Click here for the websites of WPF club members.
For our supporters, other federations and societies plus photo sites recommended by members click: Links
Click on one of the logos for information on PAGB, FIAP and PSA
PAGB Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
If you have anything that you would like included on the website or calendar, please email leigh.woolford@btinternet.com
It would help greatly if you could format it in such a way that it can be easily copied and pasted into an article without having to re-type lots of text.