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February 2025

Brian Rees

Kidwelly Camera Club sadly report the passing of our Founder and Chairperson Mr Brian Rees.

Brian had an unquenchable thirst for any photographic knowledge, and with his great sense of humour and passion he shared this with all his members, he will be much missed.

Our thoughts and sympathies go out to his family.

Brian Bentley

Hay camera club has lost one of its longest serving members Brian Bentley who died on 24th of November. He was 92.

Brian  joined the club in the 1980s and was a hoarder of photographs and photographic equipment including over 30 cameras, including six Leicas. His passion was printing and developing and never really got into digital cameras.

He will be sadly missed.

COVID-19 and Government Advice

The WPF urges all clubs and members to follow Welsh Government advice.

The PAGB has issued guidance here.

We hope you all keep safe and healthy.

WPF 2021 AWPF Awards

The Welsh Photographic Federation  held the 2021  AWPF assessment on Sunday 7th November. Thirteen panels were submitted and eight panels were successful. Congratulations to all the successful candidates. They were:

Andrea Hargreaves of Pontefract CC with a panel entitled “A prophecy of Dragons”.
Kevin Robertson of Bridgend CC with a panel entitled “The Royal Airforce at work”.
Martin GJ Smith of Towy Valley CC with a panel entitled  “Leaves of Penlan”.
Paul James of Port Talbot CC with a panel entitled “Portraits”.
Peter Thomas of Port Talbot CC with a panel entitled “Welsh Mountain Scenes though a Pinhole Camera”.
Stephen McKenzie-Woolley of Builth Wells CC with a panel entitled “How the Other Half Lives”.
Stuart Ord of Whitchurch PS with a panel entitled “The Steam Rally“.
Ken Lester of Deeside PS with a panel entitled “Street Life”.

Thank you to our President Jenny Hibbert and our five assessors, Jenny Hibbert, Gary Shinner, Brian Coleman, Leigh Woolford and Ed Cloutman for their expertise and judgment in maintaining the standards that the award demands.

Thanks also to our great team of helpers, Roy Thomas on the Projector, Guy Madden for his display stand and print management, Chris Powel for the loan of his panel we use to get the judges “eye in”, Ron Lines, and Paul James for their panel management and help, Martin Nagle for his help in transportation of the equipment to and from the store in Bridgend.

Also, special thanks to Del and Susan for their brilliant work on broadcasting the event on Zoom, so all the candidates could see live, their panels being assessed and to the WPF Executive Committee for their support.

I feel the day went well but I was disappointed for those candidates whose panels failed to reach the standard required but I am grateful to the judges for maintaining the standards of this award.

Dave Lewis
AWPF Distinctions Secretary

Baglan Bay Virtual Exhibition 2021

Baglan Bay are currently holding their 2021 Virtual Exhibition. It is a collection of work submitted by their members for their second Anniversary Trophy Competition.

You can view it here.

The selector was Peter Young LRPS CPAGB AFIAP HonPAGB.

Swansea Digital Exhibition

Swansea Camera Club are currently holding an online exhibtion. You can view it here.

They’ve been hosting an annual exhibition of displaying prints in Swansea since 1900 but this is their first annual online exhibition. It was judged by Kylie-Ann Martin EFIAP BPE2 CPAGB LDPS.


2021 Ace of Prints Results

Here are the results of the 2021 Ace of Prints – the Scoresheet gives a summary and the Overall Result the other has the entry forms which will show by Club – Title; Photographer and Scores. You will need tobe able to read an excel file for this.

The Club Result was: –

First:- Afan Nedd 178
Second:- Bridgend 172
Third:- Tenby 171
Fourth:- Baglan Bay 165
Fifth:- Gwent 164
Sixth:- Port Talbot 160
Seventh:- Swansea 159

It was a very close competition and congratulations go to Afan Nedd in first place and Bridgend in second who are invited to represent the WPF in the PAGB Event to be held at Smethwick on Sunday 24 October 2021.

Awards by the Judges jointly:-


Highly Commended Prints:-
EMERGING DRAGONFLY (On scoresheet as damselfly!) – ALUN THOMAS – BAGLAN BAY CC

My congratulations to each of those individual photographers that the Judges selected for recognition – well done!

My personal thanks must go to all the WPF Executive that helped today but particularly Del Jones & Susan Surridge who kept Zoom going and tried to explain to those viewing the issues they were experiencing – thanks Guys! Also to the invaluable Cliff Emery who as well as collecting and organising the hardware – got intimately involved in the software as well – couldn’t have done it without you Cliff!!

Now if you are sitting comforabley, I’ll tell you a story: We realised that for this first Print Event across Zoom – without PDIs – that Cliff and I needed to organise something extra. Working in his studio we decided to try Live View on the new WPF PC and set it up using Cliff’s Canon RF camera – installed Zoom, downloaded Canon Utilities connected and tested with Del & Susan’s help – went well! Coming to Talbot Green we realised that Cliff only had a short RF Lens – we would need a longer lens to be able to get back from the Judges. David Lewis volunteered his Canon 5D as he had longer lenses. Then found Canon Utilities had to be downloaded again to match the 5D – decided to use the other WPF PC – downloaded Zoom – then downloaded Canon Utilities – went to install – it asked for CD – This PC was Windows 8! Back to the new WPF PC – downloaded Canon Utilities again for the Canon 5D – installed and set up David’s camera on Live View – looked good! Then the tripod started slowly sinking!! Find the Gaffer Tape! Got it running again and we thought the Live View was good and started the competition! We were unaware that as Jenny was 20 feet off in one direction and Brian was 20 feet off in the other direction and we were relying on the New PC microphone but our Zoom audience couldn’t hear! So I started repeating the score & photographer – thinking that the scoresheet was easy to follow – all the first images per Club followed by all the second images per Club in the sequence on the sheet. If I had explained that it might have worked – but unfortunately I hadn’t!

The last 6 lines of explanation above were carried out by Cliff and the team starting 15 minutes before the Off and continued for 15 after – so that’s why there was a delay!

The god news is that we probably won’t have to do that again as we’ll all be there together in the future – we all hope! If we do we’ll utilise microphones. So sorry if we spoiled your morning – but I am sure that the prints you saw were of the highest quality and I’m sure that our 2 winning Clubs will do us proud at Smethwick against the other 35 PAGB Clubs. Wish them well!

If you have any comments – send them to me!

Roy Thomas

Jenny Hibbert in the BBC Countryfile Calendar

Welsh Photographic Federation President, Jenny Hibbert, has had an image selected for inclusion in the 2022 BBC Countryfile calendar. You can buy a copy at just £9.99, UK postage included.

All proceeds go to “Children in Need”.

The closing date for calendar orders is 31st of January 2022 so act quickly if you wish to obtain a copy!

To order visit: www.hcscalendar.co.uk

2021 Summer Freedom Competition Results

The results of this Competition as judged by Leo Rich are: –

1st – In the Light – Glenn Porter – Gwynfa (see below)
2nd – Free as a Bird – Neville Thomas – Afan Nedd
3rd – Ice Cream Treat – Tina Conyard – Carmarthen
HC – Freedom from COVID – Jo Ashburner – Afan Nedd
HC – A Time to Dream – Paul Branchflower – Afan Nedd

Afan Nedd doing particularly well!

I must say that just listening to Leo’s appreciation of the pictures without wondering what the scores were was particularly refreshing and his comments were kind and on point.

Thanks for your support – much appreciated!

Roy Thomas

FIAP Colour Biennial Results 2021

The results of the 29th FIAP Biennial are in. Thank you so much to those of you who sent me images so I could enter on behalf of the WPF.

The 29th Colour Print Biennial was won by PAGB. The WPF finished 13th from 36 countries.

The 29th Colour Projected Biennial was won by Russia with PAGB 22nd and the WPF 24th from 36 countries.

The two themes we chose were ‘Olympic Sports’ and ‘Light in the Landscape’. I am thrilled to say that Glen Porter of Gwynfa CC received a Silver medal in the sport section (prints). Congratulations Glen, a great achievement in a worldwide event. Here are the results.

Overall Results – Colour Projected

Overall Results – Colour Print

Results Light in the Landscape 1

Results Light in the Landscape 2

Results Olympic Sports

I was a little disappointed with our Landscape results, as I thought they deserved more but that’s the way it goes. I’ll be looking for some Mono images later in the year when we have decided on our two themes.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone who sent me images. Without you we wouldn’t have been able to enter. Well done each and every one of you.

Jenny Hibbert (WPF President).

PSA News

Congratulations to PSA member Neville Thomas who has just gained the EPSA award. This requires a minimum of 700 acceptance in PSA recognised salons.  Well done Nev.

I have had success in the Vidin spring Circuit in Bulgaria with 13 acceptances,  a Salon Gold, Salon Bronze and two HM’s.

The rewards are there but you do need to enter in the first place.

Ian Ledgard – PSA Membership Director, Wales

Barry Camera Club – The Barrian Cup 2022

As we are all too aware, recent events have meant that our activities have been curtailed somewhat.  For Barry Camera Club it has meant that our much loved event, The Barrian Cup, has had to be postponed for the last two years.  

We just wanted to give you notice that we will be planning to hold this event again in 2022 when hopefully all restrictions will have been lifted and we can enjoy meeting up with all our favourite clubs who make this such an excellent and memorable event.  

We will post further information out again at the beginning of 2022, so until then stay safe and enjoy this amazing weather.

Pat Hollis
Competition Secretary
Barry Camera Club

Two PSA Salons

We’ve received this from Ian Ledgard, our PSA representative.

The Photographic Society of America is holding two International Salons later this year. they are open to all photographers not just PSA members, though I hope the latter will put up a good entry from Wales.

PSA International Circuit – Two Judgings. Eight sections to choose from. Closing date July 6th.

PSA Small Print Exhibition – A rare opportunity to enter prints. Eight sections to choose from. Closing date August 20th.

More details for both can be found at here or from Ian Ledgard Email: iledgard004@gmail.com

PSA News

Congratulations to PSA member Neville Thomas who has just gained the EPSA award. This requires a minimum of 700 acceptance in PSA recognised salons. Well done Nev

I have had success in the Vidin spring Circuit in Bulgaria with 13 acceptances, a Salon Gold, Salon Bronze and two HM’s.

The rewards are there but you do need to enter in the first place.

Ian Ledgard (PSA Membership Director, Wales).

2021 Inter Federation Competition Results

Below are the Results for the Open and Nature 2021 Inter Federation Competition.

Open Results     Open Individual Scores
We came joint 9th with an average of 11.533 points out of a maximum of 15. I would like to thank all those photographers who provided images for the WPF to use – but in particular I should like to congratulate:
Gordon Cook of Swansea Camera Club whose image “A Sign of the Times” which earned a PAGB Ribbon and scored 14 points!

Nature Results     Nature Individual Scores
We came joint 10th with an average of 11.867 points out of a maximum of 15. I should like to thank all those photographers who provided images for the WPF to use – but in particular I should like to congratulate:
Emma Woodhouse of RPC whose image “Fighting Gulls” which earned a PAGB Ribbon and score 15 points and
Susan Carter of Monmouth CC whose image “Grizzly Bear with Salmon” which earned a PAGB Ribbon and scored 14 points and
Neville Thomas of Afan Nedd CC whose image “Vietnamese Mossy Frog” which earned a PAGB Ribbon and scored 14 points!

Apologies for our initial error in saying that Emma Woodhouse was from a different club. It has now been corrected.

Roy Thomas

Ann Davies

We’ve received this sad news from Phil Davies…

Dear Photographic Friends,

My wife Ann passed away on 7th May after suffering heart failure caused by a ruptured artery. I am told its like switching off a light.

Many of you, in particular older members, will remember her from our lecturers in the pre-digital days. Our talk on Coloviour always went down well. When digital came along we launched the Swansea International and then the Port Talbot International. Many of you took the opportunity to get involved in the international exhibition circuits for the first time through these events.

Thank you so much to those of you who have sent your condolences by phone, e-mail and card. They have uplifted me in the dark days that are now clearing. Thirty five years of happy married life have left me with many memories to reply upon as life carries on.

Philip Davies FWPF