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February 2025

The WPF website has changed location.

Do Not use this website for information on WPF, FIAP or any other distinctions.  Links to The Executive Team are out of date.

Our NEW website can be found at mywpf.org

This website will no longer be updated but it will remain available as a reference resource for past results, news and information.












Results from the 2022 Welsh Salon of Photography

Here are the results from the 2022 Welsh Salon of Photography.

Colour Print
Monochrome Print
Open PDI
All Acceptances Collated by Club
All Awards

Congratulations to everyone who had an acceptance.

Big thanks to the organising team and to our judges, Susan Ashford ARPS CPAGB AWPF EFIAP, Peter Brisley ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE2 and Gary Shinner LRPS EFIAP/b MPSA2 AWPF BPSA GAPU.

2022 Neath & District PS UK Salon

Neath & District PS are pleased to announce that their 2022 NDPS UK Salon is now open for entries. This is their 7th year as a BPE exhibition and they are also pleased to announce PAGB patronage again this year.

The Salon dates are as follows:–
Entries open 1st Feb 2022.
Entries close 16th April 2022.
Selection weekend 23rd & 24th April 2022.

There will be 4 sections – Open Colour, Open Mono, Nature and Creative.


  • PAGB Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards for each Section.
  • NDPS Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards for each Section.
  • Award for Best in Exhibition.
  • PAGB and NDPS Ribbons for Selectors Choice.
  • BPE Ribbons for Highly Commended.
  • Commended Certificates.
  • Club Awards for Neath & District PS Members.

This year they will again be using remote judging for the Salon and the selectors will be: Robert Millin DPAGB, David Russell AFIAP and Paul Keene FRPS MPAGB EFIAP/d1 MFIAP

Entries can be made via the online portal through our website www.neathphotographicsociety.org or by postal entry.

News from Hay

We’ve received this from Christine Starnes over at Hay Camera Club…

I visited Bill Grundy today and we had  a nice chat. He has donated 6 photography books for the club which we will use as a library for members to borrow. We reminisced the years from when I first joined Hay about 17 years ago and talked about the changing styles of competition winners. In his time he has accrued 2 Gold medals, a Blue Ribbon, Highly Recommended and over 70 acceptances through FIAP and others, competing worldwide including Australia, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Hong Kong to name a few. His last award was in 2002. 

Bill was one of four founder members of the club back in the 1940’s – June, his wife, Brian Bentley and David Brinn. He remembered that at one time, club membership was so low, when they had a visiting judge for a competition only four members attended, so they all went round to the local pub for a drink!  He was also a member of Merthyr Tydfil for a number of years but travelling took its toll. 

Bill became an honorary member of Hay for several years but ill health precluded him from attending meetings. He suffers from a muscle degenerative disease and his eyesight is not  so good. He will be 90 on Sunday 20 March. The same age as Brian Bentley, who sadly died earlier this year. However, we hope Bill will be around for a few more years yet.

Over the years, Hay has lost a number of lovely members, including David Brinn who emigrated to New Zealand in the early 2000’s and joined Marlborough Camera club. His legacy was to launch a new Battle with and Hay which we continue to this day. 

AWPF Distinctions and Workshop

The prestigious AWPF award is open for a maximum of 25 applicants annually and is available to photographers worldwide. Obtaining the distinction involves creating a cohesive panel of 12 images, either print or DPI. 

We are now ready to accept applications for 2022 and the AWPF assessment day will be held on the 6th of November 2022. The application form can be found here.

We’ve also planned a workshop to support candidates. It will be held at the Cynon Valley Museum on the May 7th and will coincide with a showing of the successful 2022 Welsh Salon prints and PDIs at the same location.

Further information can be found on the WPF distinctions web page and you can view successful panels from previous years in this gallery.

Don’t miss the opportunity to take on this great challenge and work towards this sought-after award. 

Please register your interest in the award or the workshop so that we have an idea of the numbers for room size. Please E. mail: distinctions@thewpf.co.uk

Results of the 2022 Ace of Clubs Competition

The competition was held on 20 February 2022 on Zoom.  13 clubs each submitted 30 PDI entries and each of 3 judges scored all 390 entries in the range of 2 to 5 so the minimum score was 6 and the maximum was 15.

The judges, who made a fine job of the scoring, were:

Carol McNiven Young FRPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4 (from N&EMPF);

Barry Mead FRPS MPAGB APAGB EFIAP/d3 (from WCPF); and

Michael Krier ARPS MA(Photography) AFIAP (from MCPF).

The participating clubs were Aberystwyth, Afan Nedd, Baglan Bay, Bridgend, Cwmbran, Gwent, Gwynfa, Monmouth, Pontypridd, Rhondda, RPC, Swansea and Tenby.

Congratulations to all the clubs that participated but especially to Gwynfa CC and Tenby CC who were 1st and 2nd repectively and were invited to represent WPF at the PAGB Inter-Club PDI Championship.

Congratulations also go to the photographers who scored 15 and to the winners of the 5 awards that were on offer.

The detailed results can be found here.

Easter Sunday Charity Tractor Run

There ought to be some good photo opportunities on Easter Sunday, April 17, as there will be a Tractor Run starting at Pencoed and going around the Vale of Glamorgan. You can see details of the route here.

There will be about 300 tractors taking part and they will be calling in at various villages and ending back at Pencoed. There will be a half time stop at a farm between Saint Brides and Wick where there will be refreshments and stalls, and a raffle.

The route will take in the villages of Colwinston, Wick, Saint Brides, Southerndown, Ogmore-by-Sea, Ewenny, Corntown and Llangan.

People can go to the villages of Colwinston Saint brides wick southerndown Ogmore by sea, Ewenny Corntown then the head up the A48 and turn off to a village called Llangan and head from the start point which is Llanilid. The halfway point for refreshments and stalls will be at a farm called Sealands on the way to Broughton Between Wick and Saint brides.

The two wonderful charities that will benefit from the event are Marie Curie and Wales Air Ambulance.

Awards for Photographic Merit – May 2022

Interested in trying for your CPAGB, DPAGB or MPAGB? Click on the picture for more details.

Barrian Cup 2022

Barry Camera Club are pleased to be able to announce they will be running their Barrian Cup event for 2022, and would like to invite your club to participate.

This will be a DPI only competition for this year only.  The main reasons for this decision: to try and cover all eventualities should we still be under some sort or Covid restrictions; and knowing that some clubs are not yet back in their club rooms.  

We do hope that you will join us on Saturday 11th June 2022 where we can once again meet and enjoy each other’s photography, friendship and healthy competitiveness!

All the details can also be accessed online here.

The entry form can be downloaded here.

Closing date for entries is 6th May 2022.

If there are any issues please email our Competition Secretary on barrycameraclub.compsec@gmail.com  

Results from the 2022 Memorial Trophies

Sunday was a great show of Welsh photography, the range and quality shown was quite remarkable – 21 Clubs took part and up to 80 members attended the Zoom Event; we never had that response pre-COVID. I see great hopes for the future once this pandemic is put to bed.

My special thanks must go to our outstanding Judge Leo Rich who spent the afternoon commenting on 168 images without missing a beat and those comments were always positive and detailed – quite a “Tour de Force” – thanks a bunch Leo I’m sure everyone enjoyed the afternoon listening to you whilst viewing the images – Brilliant!

The Gwyn Morgan Trophy for Mono PDIs was won by Tenby CC who will receive the Trophy. There were also 3 Ribbons awarded to images scoring 20: –
Tenby CC Dave Bolton Face to Face 20
Baglan Bay CC Marian Dixon The Flying Wing 20
Abertawe CC Jeff Driscoll Mermaid 20

The Walter Morgan Trophy for Colour PDIs was won jointly by Gwynfa CC & Rhondda CC both of whom will receive a Trophy! There were also 8 Ribbons awarded to images scoring 20: –
Gwynfa CC Gwynfryn Jones Beauty in the Catacombs 20
Rhondda CC David Norton Still Raining 20
Rhondda CC Brian Merry I Nailed It 20
Gwynfa CC Glenn Porter Freestyle Kayaking 20
Bridgend CC David Hopes Safe Landing 20
Cardigan PC Dyfed James Four Spotted Chaser 20
Cwmbran CC Dave Kitson Oystercatchers Mating 20
Rhondda CC Mal Durbin F15 at Dusk 20

Here are the detailed results for your delectation!

The Gwyn Morgan Trophy Results
The Walter Morgan Trophy Results

My personal congratulations to all who took part and to those winning Clubs and those who had Ribbons for their images. Well Done!!

Now onward and upward to the Ace of Clubs competition. The closing date is the 30th January with judging on the 20th January. Entries are already coming in and I look forward to another big Event!

Roy Thomas / Roy17@btinternet.com

The WPF website is changing location.

The new location is mywpf.org

We also have a new look.

Please visit and bookmark the new site.

FIAP Successes for WPF Members

I am pleased to say that all five candidates have gained their distinctions this year. The successful candidates are:

David Kitson AFIAP
Kevin Robertson AFIAP
David Hopes EFIAP
Margaret Jones EFIAP
Christine Tidman EFIAP bronze

Congratulations to all – well done!

I have your certificates and badges which will be presented at our AGM. This may change depending on the current Covid conditions.

Ed Cloutman.

2021 Welsh International Salon of Photography – Catalogue and exhibition

The catalogue of acceptances can be found here.

This takes you to the Creative photographs.

This takes you to the Nature photographs.

This takes you to the Open Colour photographs.

This takes you to the Open Monochrome photographs.

This takes you to the Photo Travel photographs.

This takes you to the Scapes photographs.

And here are all the Awards


Thanks to our Judges & Lecturers

I am reliably informed that Sunday 5th January was International Volunteer Day so there is no better time to thank each and every one of you for all you have done – voluntarily, for our WPF Clubs during 2021. 

It has been another difficult year and once again we are very grateful for Zoom which has kept so many clubs up and running. I know that many of you have judged and/or presented via Zoom to clubs across the country (or even further afield) which we would not have dreamed possible a few years ago.

It is very encouraging to see that some face to face meetings are being reintroduced, however we understand that this is not an option everyone will feel comfortable about just yet. I have been asked (but declined) to produce a list of Judges and Presenters who are prepared to offer their services face to face. This is very much a personal decision and will vary greatly depending on the venue, number of attendees etc. etc. and most importantly the health and safety of the Judge/Presenter. Whatever your decision, we will respect your personal choice.

Once again, on behalf of the Welsh Photographic Federation, thank you all.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a hopeful, healthy and happy New Year.

Susan Surridge (WPF Judges & Presenters Secretary).

PAGB Awards for two WPF Photographers

Congratulations tothe following WPF Photographers who achievd distinctions at the recent PAGB APM day.

David Hopes of Bridgend & District CC achieved his DPAGB

Gary Welsby of Gwynfa achieved his CPAGB