Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.


February 2025


This list has not been updated since 12th April 2022.

The up-to-date list can be found on our new website here










Amendments, deletions or additions to all judges information should be notified to: Judges and Presenters Secretary, Susan SurridgeShe can be contacted at: Email: judgepresent@thewpf.co.uk

I know there are quite a few paragraphs below to be read, but PLEASE take a little time to read them ALL, as the information is important and will help you to understand the system.

A Standard Booking Form giving details of the judging event can be found here (it will appear as a link at the bottom of your screen).  Please use it as it has all the relevant information on it.  Remember it may be many months before the event takes place so a record of the agreement is invaluable.  See also Judges Guidelines and The Role of the Club here.

Judges Assessment Forms – Please could you nominate a reliable and impartial member of your CLUB to REGULARLY fill in the Online Judges assessment form.  They do not need to be a committee member. Your feedback is valuable for both the judges and the WPF in maintaining and improving high standards. Responses are treated in strict confidence. Constructive criticism will be passed on to the judge. All Judges are subject to Welsh Photographic Federation Annual Renewal. The WPF reserves the right to remove Judges from the list.

 Judges will be sent feedback every 6 months based on the returns that clubs have made on their behalf.  It is the responsibility of the judge to pursue clubs and to ensure that they get all their returns. 

Judges:  If you have any high praise or complaints about the way you have been treated by any club, or have any useful suggestions on how clubs could make your evening with them more pleasurable, please email me at the WPF at the address above.

Judge Codes:  You will see codes which give the judge’s preferences.  This is only a guide.  Most judges will cover any topic.  The codes in red show a judge’s speciality (a subject that they specialize in with their own photography).  Please would judges email me if they would like any of the codes altered.

International Judges (those who have judged in three or more Internationals and have an International distinction) have a blue star.

* = International Judge   

Please will judges remind clubs, on the night, to fill in the Assessment Forms, so that you get your feedback.  Useful and constructive comments will be published occasionally in Newsflash.

PLEASE CLUBS: introduce the judge properly and try and take 5 minutes at the most for notices on nights when you have invited a judge or speaker.  I have had quite a few complaints about laborious starts to meetings with notices taking over 15 minutes.  This is not fair on the judge/speaker, who should have timed his/her  evening to your start and finish times.


Categories:   A  architecture; AV audio-visual; C creative; CA candid; D dereliction; DR darkroom; F fashion; G glamour; L land/seascape; M monochrome; MC macro; O open: P portrait; PJ photo journalism; S Studio; SL still life; SP sport; T travel; W wildlife/nature.


Ashford, Susan ARPS CPAGB AWPF EFIAP Swansea 07976 836865 susanashford800@gmail.com  C L M O SL T Zoom

Bennett, Dave Gwent  07963939972  benvendetta54@gmail.com  A C L M O SL SP T W    Zoom

Branchflower, Paul Swansea 01792 403406 /07579 027962 pjbranchflower@yahoo.com   A L O T  Zoom

Brisely, Peter  Works together with Sue O’Connell 

Carter, Brian Mid Glam 01443 432 519 / 07807 055369  brian.carter@yahoo.com  

Clatworthy, Mike West Glam 07986 132161 mikeclat@hotmail.co.uk  L M P O SL  Zoom

Cloutman, Ed EFIAP, Hon. FWPF Vale of Glam 01446 751686 ed.cloutman@gmail.com  A C L M O SL SP T W * Zoom

Coleman, Brian AFIAP, AWPF, APAGB Hon.FWPF Glam 01656 658486 / 07886 472132 briphil49@btinternet.com  A C L M O SL SP T W * Zoom

Cox, Jennifer BA (Hons) Photography, ARPS Cardiff 02920 811282 jen@jennifercoxphotography.co.uk A C L M O SL T

Cullis, Mike ARPS, DPAGB, AWPF Pembs 01834 870210 mikecullis@hotmail.com L M O SP T W

Gardiner, Harry AWPF Pembs 01834 844257 harry.gardiner@uwclub.net  A C L M O P S SP T W  Zoom

Hibbert, Jenny MPAGB, EFIAP/g, AWPF Glam 01639 791425 / 07842 821511  jenny-hibbert@hotmail.co.uk  L O W * Zoom

James, Trevor BA(Hons) Photography, ARPS, AWPF Pentre 01443 440285 / 07792 827972 trevjjames@gmail.com  : A C CA D L M MC O P SP P  Zoom

Jenkins, Nick AWPF, ARPS Cardiff 02920 890930 / 07876 624185 nick@freespiritimages.com

Ledgard, Ian  EFIAP/p, GMPSA, GPU-Cr4 AWPF BPE1 Carms 01558 823953 iledgard004@gmail.com  * Zoom

Loosemore, Les  ARPS DPAGB AWPF Bridgend 01656 659585 / 07826 555304  fotocall@sky.com  Zoom

Martin, Gareth  AWPF, CPAGB Glam 01639 790041 / 07731 656866 cortez34@virginmedia.com  A C CA D L M O P SL SP T Zoom

Mitchell, Robert MA Photography Swansea 01639 412650 / 07967 120504 rob.mitchellma@sky.com  Zoom

O’Connell, Sue FIPF, ARPS, EFIAP/d2, DPAGB, BPE5 and Brisley, Peter ARPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, BPE2 Bristol 01179 731326  smoconnell@yahoo.com   Experienced Zoom judges

Penticost, Vince AWPF Gwent 01495 271581 vincepenticost@talktalk.net

Pilot, Bryan  LRPS Gwent 01633 671581 / 07939 287211 bryan.pilot@hotmail.com  MC O S W

Pinches, Martyn AFIAP, AWPF Cardiff  02920 497257  wpfclubs@imagewales.co.uk
Note: Martyn only judges on the night.

Rogers, Johnnie  ARPS, DPAGB, AWPF, AFIAP  Gwent 01633 817453 / 07814 725616 johnnierogers1@aol.com  C L M O W   Zoom

Russ, Dennis LRPS, AFIAP, AWPF, CPAGB, BPE1*  Swansea 07593 259030 dennisruss3@gmail.com  C D L M MC O P PJ SL SP W  Zoom

Russell, Dave  AFIAP Cardiff 07946 422 325 dave.russell42@outlook.com  A C L M O SL SP T W   Zoom

Shinner, Gary LRPS, EFIAP/b, MPSA2, AWPF, BPSA, GAPU Llanelli 07929 782541 / 01554 752314 gary_shinnerlrps@sky.com  A AV C CA L M MC O P S SL SP T *  Zoom

Stokes, Alan  Mid Glam  07585 004676 / 01656 660198 alanstokes7@btinternet.com  A C CA D F G L M MC O P S SL SP T W

Thomas, Roy  HonPAGB HonFWPF West Glam 07880 710908  roy17@btinternet.com  C L M O SL SP T Zoom

Woolford, Leigh  Hon.FWPF, DPAGB, EFIAP, AWPF, BPE4* Mid Glam 07800 878782  leigh.woolford@btinternet.com : C L M O PJ S T *  Zoom

Young, Peter LRPS CPAGB AFIAP HonPAGB Blaenau Gwent 01495 291 074 peterayoung@outlook.com : A DR L M O P S SL T *  Zoom

Supplementary List

Archdale-Smith, Barbra, ARPS AWPF Glamorgan 07846 471367 bjas@djas.gotadsl.co.uk

Ashill, Diana LRPS Carms 01558 824662 sjadm@tiscali.co.uk L O T

# Byram, Tony, ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB, EFIAP Bristol 01179 561896 / 07702 236777 tonyphoto@blueyonder.co.uk

# Fearnside, Tim West Glam tfmapman@aol.com

Greenhill, Rob  Mid Glam 01443 442436 / 07811 442566 robaurdu@fsmail.net

# Harvey, Robert  Wilts  naturalworldphotography.net@gmail.com

Knight, Dai   Mid Glam 07800 988076  dai.jazz42@gmail.com

Lloyd, Robert D, FRPS, EFIAP, DPAGB Mid Glam 01685 872948  roblloyd3@sky.com L

Morgan, Julie, AWPF,  Abergavenny  jinx1502@gmail.com zoom

Munro, Ian  Gwent 01495 309 364 / 07979 103896  ian.p.munro@hotmail.co.uk

Paskin, David Llanelli mokeyjo@sky.com  01554 403994 / 07450 693870 CA D DR M O PJ SP T

# Preece, Peter  Warks  01527 853444  peterpreece777@btinternet.com

Rees, Ray  West Glam 01554 759521  raygw4puc@tiscali.co.uk

Ridgewell, John  LRPS Gwent 01495 272387  johnandcherylridgewell@btinternet.com

# Snook, Ralph, ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP North Bristol 01454 620817 / 07974 963419 ralph.snook@btinternet.com  A L M MC O P T W

# Weaver, Peter, LRPS, CPAGB, APAGB Bristol  0117 9866797/ 07884 331041 peter.weaver48@btinternet.com

# = A judge who is not a member of a WPF Camera Club.