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February 2025

Presenters – CONTACT LIST

This list has not been updated since 12th April 2022.

The up-to-date list can be found on our new website here










Amendments, deletions or additions to all presenters and judges information should be notified to the Judges & Presenters Secretary, Susan Surridge.  She can be contacted at: Email: judgepresent@thewpf.co.uk

Note, the latest list of presenter’s willing to provide online presentations via Zoom or similar can be found here.

Standard Invitation Form for Presenters – please use the form which you will find here (it will appear as a link at the bottom of your screen).

Presenters Assessment Forms – Please note that as we nearly always get 5 stars for presenters, we no longer find it necessary to continue the star rating system for PRESENTERS.  It is still very important for clubs to continue with the feedback forms for JUDGES.  If you would like to comment or have high praise for a particular presentation, please email me above and I can put them in the next Newsflash. 

Presenters:  If you have any high praise or complaints about the way you have been treated by any club, or have any useful suggestions on how clubs could make your evening with them more pleasurable, please email me at the WPF at the address above..

Key to format of lectures:
P             Print lecture    
S             Slide lecture
S+           Slides larger than 35mm
D             Demonstration
AV           Audio Visual or Slide/Sound
Di            Digital/Computer/Projection
V             Video

All Presenters are subject to Welsh Photographic Federation Annual Renewal.
The WPF reserves the right to remove Presenters from the list

Please Note!  Titles should be SHORT and a maximum of TWELVE.  These limits are imposed by the PAGB in their handbook which makes my life much easier.  They allow six lines, two titles per line, so long titles will mean you lose a title which means I will knock off the last, etc.!


It is courteous for clubs to introduce the presenter properly, with their distinctions.

A’Herne, Megan, LRPS, Caerphilly,  02920 862913 / 07415 213545 meganaherne@yahoo.co.uk
Adventures in Multimedia / Program 1 Welcome to my world
Will bring my own equipment.

Ashford, Susan, ARPS, Swansea 07976 836865   susanashford800@gmail.com      Zoom
Di  Past and Present
Di  Fine Art
Di  Out and about
Print presentations available in person

Bennion, Phil & Enid  Vale of Glam,  01446 792977
  A wide range of sequences with subjects as diverse as cycle travel to tapestries
Both digital and slide presentations. Phil and Enid bring their own slide projector.

Britton, Peter, BA Hons (Photography), Masters (Photography), Bridgend  07967300319   Zoom peter.britton@coleggwent.ac.uk
Di  The Importance of Projects
Di  Photography and education
Di  Photographic formats

Burns, John,  Gwent,  07927 514475  themusicman@gmail.com       Zoom
Di  Lightroom Overview, Lightroom processing, HDR with Photomatix Pro and anything related.

Byram, Jenny, DPAGB, EFIAP  Bristol,  01179 561896jenphoto@blueyonder.co.uk
Di  There and back again – varied assortment of digital sequences

Byram, Tony ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB, EFIAP & Jenny, Bristol  01179 561896  tonyphoto@blueyonder.co.uk
Di  Here, there and everywhere :- variety of travel and other digital sequences
Di  Mr and Mrs :- How two people see things differently
D   Demos on how to use Pictures to Exe from the basics up

Bray, Mike QPSA, PPSA  Port Talbot, M: 07757 942163 T: 01639 794363 mikebray62@gmail.com  Zoom
Di Sports Photography

Carr, Roy, AWPF,  Treharris,  07919 271 883  roycarr6@gmail.com     Zoom
Di/P Roy’s Outdoor Life (Landscape and Adventure Photography)
40/40  – 40 colour and 40 monochrome prints plus some surprises!
Di/P  A Year in their Lives – long term project on sheep farming
Di  From Very Near To Not Quite So Far.      
Di  Only Mono –  A  selection of monochrome work

Clatworthy, Mike, West Glam,  07986 132161 mikeclat@hotmail.co.uk  Zoom
Di  Mike’s Colour Collection
Di  Mike’s Mono Collection

Cloutman, Ed, EFIAP, Hon. FWPF, Vale of Glam, 01446 751686 ed.cloutman@gmail.com   Zoom
Di/AV The Night Sky – Astronomy and Photography
Di  What Judges Look For                   
Di  Bermuda Revisited!
Di  My Life in Cameras – various cameras using 120 roll film, 35mm, 5×4 film sizes.
P/Di How I Do It – my way of producing a photograph
Each topic takes half an evening in any combination

Coleman, Brian AWPF, AFIAP, APAGB Hon.FWPF,  Mid Glam  01656 658486 / 07886 472132 briphil49@btinternet.com     Zoom
Di  How many did I score?
Di  People photographers from the 1950s to the present

Cooke, John, EFIAP/b, ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB, Gwent, 01495 270895 / 07977495619 johncooke574@btinternet.com         Zoom
P/Di  Working towards Distinctions

Cox, Jennifer BA (Hons) Photography, ARPS  Cardiff 02920 811282  jen@jennifercoxphotography.co.uk
P How to take better pictures :- includes portraits

Cullis, Mike, ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB,  Pembs,  01834 870210   mikecullis@hotmail.com
Di  Namibian Adventure                                 
Di  Bird Photography – A Personal Journey    
Di  Images from the Masai Mara                    
Di  Arctic Adventure
Di  Raw China                                                
Di  First steps in Nature Photography             
Di The Falkland Islands Adventure
Di  20 Good Images – from camera to post production and final output

Davies, Gerald, Swansea,  07908 993 901 geraldndavies@gmail.com  Zoom
Di ‘Light: See & Capture’ – Understanding the direction of light, the impact it can have on your photography and tips on how to capture in camera. The talk is aimed at intermediate photographers, but there is something in the talk for photographers of all levels. Digital projector required.
Di ‘Photographic Composition’ – Builds up a photographers knowledge from basic to advanced composition techniques. Digital projector required.

Downing, Carl,  Newport,  carl@carldowning.photography  Zoom
I specialise in Sports and Wildlife photography and my talks include sample images as well as onscreen demonstrations of workflow and editing techniques using a variety of software. As an accredited photographer with the Tour of Britain and Women’s Tour cycling events I also discuss the issues surrounding pro sports photography and how to get into it.

Dyke, Anthony, ARPS West Glam,  01792 511517 anthony.dyke@ntlworld.com
AV  Moods of Gower                      
AV  An Alpine Symphony and other songs
AV  A Celtic journey                       
AV  Travels Home and Abroad

Edmunds, Glyn Stafford M: 07501 772941 T: 01785 308275  glyn.edmunds@gmail.com  Zoom
Di Kenya and its Wildlife (multiple presentations)
Di The Wildlife and Work of the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya (multiple presentations)

Farr, Martyn,  Monmouth,  01873 811085  martyn@farrworld.co.uk
S/Di  Extreme Caving – 100 miles of Caves under Llangattock 
S/Di  The Wondrous World of Caves. France, China, Japan etc.
S/Di  The Darkness Beckons
S/Di  Cave Diving Explorations around the World
An additional fee is charged. Ask for details.

Freeman, Glyn, West Glam, 01792 527375 / 07790 247610  g.freeman2@virginmedia.com
AV All new audio harmony sequences i.e. Stone Circles, Waterfalls, Moods, Lake District Moods, Arches National Park, Yellowstone, Canadian Rocky Mountains and many more.
Non AV – National Parks of North America

Gardiner, Harry, AWPF, Pembs,  01834 844257 harry.gardiner@uwclub.net    Zoom
Di  Pictorial Secrets from Art and Photography

Gibbs, Linda & Edgar,  Cardiff,  02920 564850   linda.gibbs@ntlworld.com
The Digital Magic Lantern Show, which includes:-
The Magic Behind the Lantern 1 :- an introduction to Pictures to Exe
AV/Di The Magic behind the Lantern 2 :- Pictures to Exe in greater depth
AV/Di Simply Soundtracks 1 :- an introduction to sound for AV
AV/Di  Simply Soundtracks 2 :- more on sound for AV

Greenhill, Rob,  Mid Glam,  01443 442436 / 07811 442566  robgreenhill20@gmail.com
P/Di  Nepal :- Its Mountains and People. Includes information on shooting at high altitude and low temperatures.

Harvey, Robert, ARPS, EFIAP Wiltshire, naturalworldphotography.net@gmail.com  Zoom
Di  By the Sea (coastal landscape photography)          
Di  Landscapes for all Seasons
Nature Photography through the Seasons              
Di  In Search of Remarkable Mammals
In Search of Remarkable Birds                               
Di  Winter Photography
Jaguars and Giant Tortoises (wildlife photography in South America)
In the Desert                                                           
Di  The Art of Audiovisual
One Hundred Steps to Excellence (gaining FIAP distinctions)
Di  Stumbling Around In the Dark (Landscape Astrophotography) NEW
An additional fee plus travel is charged. Ask for details.

Hibbert, Jenny, MPAGB, EFIAP/g, AWPF, West Glam,  01639 791425 / 07842 821511 jenny-hibbert@hotmail.co.uk  Zoom
Di 71 Degrees North                                                 
Di  Gypsy Horse Fair in Appleby
Di  Tales of the River Bank                                       
Di  Finland’s Wildlife in Four Seasons
Di  Migratory Expedition in Mongolia                        
Di  Essentials of being a Wildlife Photographer
Di  Land of the rising sun (wildlife in Japan)

James, Trevor, BA (Hons) Photography, ARPS, AWPF, Rhondda, 07484 716224  trevjjames@gmail.com   Di  Mountains, Lakes and Icebergs
Di  Morocco and Japan Different Cultures
Di  Post Processing, Why and How (primarily using Lightroom)

Jenkins Nick ARPS, AWPF, Cardiff,  02920 890930 / 07876 624185   nick@freespiritimages.com
Di  Miles and Miles of Fresh Air :- My Interpretation of the Great Outdoors
Di  Monochrome and My Journey 
Di  What IS it about Landscapes? NEW

Knifton, Tim, AWPF, CPAGB, AFIAP,  Newport,  07931 234209  tim.knifton@yahoo.co.uk  Zoom
Di  The art of urban exploration                         
Di  The art of urban exploration –  Part 2
Di  Soviet Ghosts – Chernobyl and Pripyat       
Di  Beautiful, Abandoned Italy
Di  1 in 150 – an individual photo from the first 150 explores
Di  Drones and Decay  NEW

Ledgard, Ian, EFIAP/p, GMPSA, GPU-Cr4, AWPF, BPE1, Carms,  01558 823953  iledgard004@gmail.com  Zoom
P  Chemical to Digital :- prints past and present               
P/Di  Mono moments
Di  Stars and Galaxies :- the journey to PSA honours      
Di  Before and After – altered reality
Di  More Mono Moments

Lewis, Barrie, ARPS, Carms,  01267 234229
The Journey is the Prize

Lingham, David, FRPS,  Cardiff, 02920 618642  david.lingham@ntlworld.com
P  Darkroom Monochrome prints

Lloyd, Allen R, ARPS, AWPF, Gwent,  01291 422915 allenr.lloyd@btinternet.com
D/Di  Essential Photoshop                               
Di/P  Mainly Landscape Photography
Di/P  A Digital Miscellany                                 
Di/P  Mainly Wildlife
Di/P  Deep Sky Astrophotography                    
Di  Photographing Landscapes under the Stars
Di  Essential Lightroom
All Landscape and wildlife talks are continually updated and changed so you never get the same programme twice. I bring all of my own equipment.

Lloyd, Robert D, FRPS, DPAGB, EFIAP,  Mid Glam,  01685 872948  roblloyd3@sky.com
Print Appreciation Evenings
P/AV  In the Right Light (updated regularly)

Loosemore, Les, ARPS AWPF, DPAGB,  Mid Glam,  01656 659585 / 07826 555304 fotocall@sky.com   Zoom
AV/S  Presentation 1 Kenya unplanned, Mombassa, Nairobi, Kenya Railways Workshops, Massai People and On Safari.
AV/S Presentation 2  Prague, Trees in the Landscape, Daintree Rainforest, Butterflies and Birds, Street Performers, Sydney by night
Distinction Panels (success and failure), Macro and close-up, Travel and Sport
Les will bring along his own projector for the slide shows.

Martin, Gareth, AWPF, CPAGB  West Glam 01639 790041/07731 656866 cortez34@virginmedia.com   Zoom
P Just Miniatures (Colour and Mono)                  
P  100 Colour Prints
P  Just Mono.                                                       
P  Salon Selections
P  The New Talk  NEW                                        
Di  A Taste of Wales (20 prints are shown at half time) NEW
Di/P  Mono for you – digital talk with 20 prints at half time
Di/P  In the Making No1 (20 Prints are shown at half time)
Di/P  In the making No2 (20 prints are shown at half time)
Di  Location, Location, Location (20 prints are shown at half time) NEW

Martin, Mike, AWPF, AFIAP,  Bristol,  0117 9496004 mike_martin@blueyonder.co.uk  Zoom
P Shooting People
P/D From Capture to Prints (discussion on studio posing, selection images, demo of retouching and post processing, print paper choices)
Di (Zoom) It’s Not What You See, it’s What You Make (mixed look at my creative approach across multiple genres)
Di (Zoom) Nobody (wider selection of my non-people or anonymous people images)
Bespoke talks available on request

Michael, Arwel,  Powys,  01639 844080 gieddfab@outlook.com
Di  Ystradgynlais to Snowdonia
Di  The Mountains of Wales in Winter
Di The Mountains of North and Central Wales
Di  Industrial Archaeology of Cwm Twrch. The Bronze Age & Neolithic periods in the Black Mountains and Brecon Beacons

Mitchell, Rob, MA Photography,  Glam,  01639 412 650 / 07967 120 504 rob.mitchellma@sky.com    
Di  A Can of Worms (Basically asking if photography is art)
Di  Cracking the Old Chestnut ( Identifying and avoiding the Cliche Trap)
Di  Reading Photographs ( How we see and interpret photographs)
Di  A New Dialect ( exploring Post Production/Manipulation in photography)
Di  Why Limit Ourselves to the Click (editing versus purist )
Di  Using The Old Grey Matter (B&W v Colour)
Di  Not Just Another Click (Perceptions of Photography)

Morgan, Julie, AWPF,  Abergavenny  jinx1502@gmail.com     Zoom
Di  My journey to AWPF

Norton, David, AWPF, CPAGB, Mid Glam, 01443 435745 / 07960 639023 davidnorton1953@gmail.com
Amazing Asia 1. Myanmar   
Di/P  Amazing Asia 2. Vietnam
Di/P  Amazing Asia 3. Thailand and more          
Di/P  Inside my head – Creative composites
Di/P  Around Europe

O’Connell, Sue FIPF ARPS EFIAP/d2 DPAGB BPE5* and Peter Brisley ARPS EFIAP DPAGB, BPE2 Bristol  01179 731326   sm_oconnell@yahoo.com  peterbrisley@me.com   Zoom
Travels towards the Edge: Less visited destinations – Sahara to Mongolia via the Ring of Fire. Expect a bit of everything – architecture, landscapes, documentary but most of all people.
Di/P More Travels Towards the Edge: more out-of-the-way people and places – from camel herders in the Gobi Desert to the nomadic peoples of Gujarat, and a visit to the world’s largest wetland, the Pantanal of Brazil.
Includes print display (when possible).  Sue and Peter are Fotospeed photographers.

O’Connell, Terry J, and Mary, Cardiff  02920 625644
AV/Di  Faces and Places

Penticost, Vince, Gwent,  01495 271581  vincepenticost@talktalk.net
P/D  Macro evening

Peters, Roy, CPAGB, AWPF, Pembs,  01437 541432 royandjean.565@btinternet.com
Di  The Pembrokeshire Coast Path                      
Di  A weekend in Barcelona
Di  A trip to Yellowstone National Park                 
Di  Memories of Peru, including the Inca Trail
Di  A few days in and around the Kruger National Park
Di  Making an Audio Visual with ProShow Gold. One hour
Di  Venice and the Adriatic                                   
Di  The National Parks of Arches and Canyonlands
Di  A Journey around Turkey’s Historical Sites    
Di  The War Years on a Country Railway
Di  Toadstools and Goblins                                  
AV The National Parks of Utah NEW

Phillips, Steve,  Mid Glam 01443 473991 (home)  01792 514 646 (work)  phillips_s5@sky.com
Di  Regional Press Photography in south Wales
Di  Photographing Welsh International Rugby :- inc. 2005, 2008 and 2012 Grand Slams

Pinches, Martyn, AFIAP, AWPF, Cardiff, 02920 497257  wpfclubs@imagewales.co.uk
D   Studio Workshop :- can organise a model, or use club’s own model
D   Location Workshop – with model
Di  From Capture to Salon :- preparing images for acceptance in International and Distinctions panels
Di  Working with models :- finding models, model releases, copyright, dispelling the myths
As well as travelling expenses, payment for a model may be required.

Preece, Peter,  Warks,  01527 853444 peterpreece777@btinternet.com
S   Images of Nature
Di  Every Picture Tells a Story

Rackham, Tony FRPS & Betty FRPS, Pembs, 01794 368498 / 01239820068 ab.rackham@btinternet.com
Di  Close up Nature                                     
Di  The Secret Forest
Di  Wildlife in our Garden                            
Di/P Natural images of West Wales
Di Holding your own exhibition                    
Di/P An evening with two Fellows

Rees, Peter, Mid Glam,  01443 203379  pazhalsta@msn.com
Di  Coral Reefs of the World (up-dated regularly)

*Ridgewell, John LRPS, Gwent, 01495 272387 johnandcherylridgewell@btinternet.com
P  Light Entertainment

Russ, Dennis, LRPS, AWPF, AFIAP, CPAGB, BPE 1*, Swansea 07593 259030 dennisruss3@gmail.com
Available via Zoom                           

Di  A talk about my Digital PseudoLiths and Digital looking Bromoil
Di  Several Mono presentations including: I Did It My Way, Urbanex, People, plus others  NEW!
Not Available via Zoom but in Person
AV  Body Painting 
AV People of the UK
AV  Not Mush-Room in Here                  
AV Birds in Flight ‘I Wish I Could Fly’
Pseudoliths and Monochrome Prints in Four Themes  

Russell, Dave, AFIAP  Cardiff 07946 422325  dave.russell42@outlook.com   Zoom
Di  A to Z of Imaging
Di  Travels with my Camera

Savoie, Phil, Award winning BBC Natural History Unit Producer/Cameraman, Gwent,  www.philsavoie.com  01600 228741 NEW  Zoom
Di  Up Your Photography – Professional tips illustrated with local wildlife, landscape, people & sport
Di  A Trip to the Tropics  – A steamy jungle journey to a tropical rainforest
Di The Private Lives of Bees – The hidden lives of our UK garden bees
Di A Night Under the Stars – Exploring our fabulous dark sky
Di My Wales – Mono and colour from landscape to people
Di My Montana – A visit to the Wild West
Di/D Marvelous Macro – The hidden world around us, professional tricks and techniques
Di/D Mastering Telephoto – Long lens operating skills to capture the uncommon
V How did They Do That? BBC Natural History Unit film clips; filmmaking craft revealed
V ‘Hotel Heliconia’ Authored 50min BBC film screened and deconstructed with Q&A
V ‘A Moose Named Madeline’ Authored 50min BBC film screened and deconstructed with Q&A
V ‘Big Sky Bears’Authored 50min BBC film screened and deconstructed with Q&A
Fee plus travel charged

Shinner, Gary, LRPS, EFIAP/b, MPSA2, AWPF, BPSA, GAPU,  Carms 01554 752314 gary_shinnerlrps@sky.com   Zoom
  My 20+ years in club photography up to international acceptances.
P  Success and failure path since 2007: an in-depth look at what worked and failed.
Di  Success and failure path since 2007 on the International path. Many images & genres to consider.
Di  Vision of China & A Taste of Tokyo: A trip into a vast continent
AV An evening presentation showing some more creative & thought provoking shows.

Squires, Allan, AWPF, FDPS, Mid Glam, 01443 450 415 / 07951 578 275  digitall@sky.com
D/Di Macro Madness:- first half: flowers and bugs, second half: Keeping an open mind and good imagination
Di ‘Sports’
Di ‘My Life, My Pictures

Sleepy Robot Photography (aka Steve Milton & Jen Williams) Dyfed  sleepyrobotphotography@gmail.com  Zoom
Di Outside the Black Box – Before and after we take a picture, prop making, Photoshop etc. Creative Portaiture and Artistic Images

Snook, Ralph, ARPS, EFIAP/b, DPAGB, Bristol  ralph.snook@btinternet.com    Zoom
Di  Nature Images from my Travels

Stewart, Alec, AWPF,  Mid Glam, 01443 206 856  alecstewart@talktalk.net
Di ‘Nature’s Calendar’ (British Nature though the seasons)

Stewart, Heidi, AWPF, Mid Glam,  07791 242 237 heidistewart@talktalk.net
Di/AV  My Journey So Far (Landscape, candid, natural history)
Di  Every Step I Take (My continuing photographic journey – landscapes of the UK and Iceland)

Weaver, Peter, LRPS, CPAGB, APAGB,  Bristol, 0117 986 6797/07884 331041 peter.weaver48@btinternet.com Zoom
Di  I Have Seen the Light
Di  Seeing is Believing?
Di  My Digital View       
Di  Five Weeks in Scotland
Di  My Favourite Photos (Best of)
Di  My Kind of People (Portraits and Candids)
Di  Thirteen Themes
Di  Welcome To The Show (Event Photography)

*Williams-Price, Anthony, Mid Glam, 01443 830328
Disasters of the World

Woolford, Leigh HonFWPF, DPAGB, EFIAP, AWPF, BPE4* Mid Glam 07800 878782 leigh.woolford@btinternet.com    Zoom
Di  A Search for Focus – My journey through photography. Constantly Updated.
Di  Southern Iceland – A journey down the South road including maps, locations and lots of photographs.
Di  Unseen Iceland – A journey to the West and North including Snaefellsnes & Lake Myvatn.
Di  Favourites and Salon Successes – A selection of my favourite images.
P    Favourites Prints – Mono & Colour Prints both new and old.

Wren, Graham J. ARPS, Hereford,  01600 890488  grahamjwren@aol.com
22 illustrated talks on ornithology, wildlife, the environment, general countryside, and travel. Please contact me for an information pack.

Young, Peter, LRPS CPAGB AFIAP HonPAGB Blaenau Gwent,  01495 291 074  peterayoung@outlook.com
Tales from the Dark Side (constantly updated)
Di/Zoom Welsh International Salon of Photography – a commentary on the award-winning photographs from the current exhibition. (Available from late October to the end of July. There is no cost to a WPF club; to others there will be a charge of £30 plus speaker’s expenses).