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February 2025

Welcome our new WPF President

On 7th March 2021, we were fortunate enough to hold the WPF AGM via zoom. So, as with traditional standards, on behalf of the WPF executive committee, I would like to thank our immediate past president Peter Young for his ability, due diligence and foresight in leading the WPF executive committee through probably one of the most challenging two year tenures on record, the Covid pandemic has tested us all, none, more than Peter during lockdown after lockdown, but, Peter held us all together and indeed flourished with regard to changing technologies being utilised to it’s great potential. Thank you Peter for your two year tenure as our president.

Again, on behalf of the WPF executive committee, I will warmly welcome our very accomplished new WPF president, Jenny Hibbert (MPAGB: EFIAP/g: AWPF). Jenny has been unanimously elected to this prestigious role and she has readily accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm. Jenny is widely regarded for her outstanding nature photography, which has afforded her many rewards and international recognition. For the last few years Jenny has also been the PAGB distinctions officer, a position she has kindly agreed to continue with. When elected, Jenny mentioned how she is looking forward to leading the executive committee for the next two years, we as a committee reciprocate and look forward to being championed by Jenny.

Many thanks:-
Martin Nagle: General Secretary & Equipment Officer
Susan Surridge: Vice President & Judges/Presenters Secretary
Dave Condon: Treasurer & Membership Officer
Ed Cloutman: FIAP Liaison Officer
Brian Coleman: Meritorious Service Committee Chairman
Denice Evans: Shadow Competition Secretary
Paul James: Shadow Exhibition Officer
David Delme Jones: Convention Officer & Zoom Manager
David Lewis: AWPF Distinctions Secretary
Ron Lines: Exhibitions Liaison Officer, Archivist Officer, Portfolio Officer, Health & Public Safety Officer
Cliff Emery: Welsh Salon Chairman
Alan Stokes: Publicity Officer
Roy Thomas: Competitions Officer & PAGB Member
Peter Young: Welsh International Chairman & Immediate Past President

Alan Stokes (WPF Publicity officer)

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