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February 2025

2018 Welsh Salon Results Posted

Hi All

At last 2018 Welsh Salon results are out and all entrants should have received an email of their results. Apologies that due to a short spell in hospital they were delayed

Congratulations to all who had acceptances and awards. This year the standard was very high with many PDIs and prints scoring 12 or over. In most internationals 12 is enough for an acceptance, and sometimes 11 is the bench mark. In our salon all the PDIs that scored 12 and over were accepted. However, with the prints we had to have an in/out with those scoring 12 or we would have ended up with more than the number it is possible to exhibit (a maximum of 150 prints).

On the day I commented that it was a shame that some of those 12s that didn’t get selected were unlucky as some of them were really good. I was immediately corrected by the judging panel who said ALL those scoring 12 (whether accepted or not) were really good.

The salon exhibition will be held this year in the Volcano Theatre, High Street, Swansea in June. We’ll announce full details and the official opening date later.

It was a great weekend and I would like to thank all who helped out to make it so.

Again sorry for the unavoidable delay.

Cliff Emery (Salon Chairman)

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