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February 2025

PAGB Inter Federation Results 2016

Welsh Photographic Federation Results – Please note, our overall score was taken from our top 10 scoring images. You can see a full list of individual scores here. Note, scores are out of 15.

Colour Print Section / 133 points / 4th Position / 13 accepted in exhibition

Mono Print Section / 122 points / = 8th Position / 2 accepted in exhibition

Open Digital Section / 130 points / = 6th Position / 9 accepted in exhibition

Nature Digital Section / 128 point / 10th Position / 6 accepted in exhibition

Well done to everyone whose images were entered.

Special congratulations to Nick Walton (Inn Focus) who got overall winner in the colour print section with The Numismatist and Coltrane Koh (Inn Focus) who won a Judges Choice Award in the same section with Pride and Joy. Also congratulations to Alan Jenkinson (Bridgend) for winning a PAGB Ribbon with Pen y Fan Resident.

The scores reveal a few interesting points.

We came 4th in the Colour Print section with score of 133 points. There were 3 clubs tied for 1st place with a score of 134. (Blast!!!!!!)

We came 6th in the Open Digital Competition but were only 4 points behind the winning Federation.

We have 30 acceptances in the exhibition compared to 10 last year, so we have really upped our game.

The exhibition will be in Arts Central Barry in October. I will let you have more details later.

As soon as I receive your prints from the organisers, I will get them back to you.


Martin Nagle (CELO)

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