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February 2025

Online PAGB APM Results

The first PAGB APM online adjudication ran very smoothly, thanks mainly to a lot of hard work by Adrian Lines and Libby Smith. We were determined that we should view the entries at maximum quality and, although we used Zoom for communication, the images worked directly from our website so that we saw them exactly as they were uploaded by the entrant. Our thanks also to the Adjudicators who complied with our technical requirements for remote viewing and who worked hard throughout the day.

Judging on a large monitor at close range is obviously not the same as viewing on a 8’ screen some distance away. Some faults, such as over sharpening, were much more obvious on a monitor, whilst other issues were less obvious than they would be if projected. As a result, some images which had been used in previous submissions scored worse or better than might have been anticipated. This is an unfortunate disadvantage of the different method of viewing but, on this occasion, our Review Team looked at every image submitted, and I am happy to still be able to claim that no-one failed who should have passed. It is of course possible that some failed or passed with a lower total than they might have expected.

You can find more information and lots of images in this edition of PAGB E-news.

Rod Wheelans MPAGB. Chairman of the Awards for Photographic Merit

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