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February 2025

Applying for a FIAP Distinction Oct 2009 update

A message for all members who are about to apply for a FIAP Distinction from your Awards Officer.

Because of confused opinions from FIAP headquarters The WPF Executive Committee have decided to rule that different years of the same salon will count as different salons.
ie Acceptances in consecutive Welsh International Salons can now be counted towards distinctions, and obviously this will apply to all FIAP accredited international Salons.

From now on if anyone is applying for a FIAP life card could they please send or give their applications to me first so I can send them off in bulk. The deadline is 26th September in each year.
(If you are still needing one please send to me ASAP.)

The forms that you will need are available on the website FIAP page or from Jan Cawley Tel: 01446 751686.
The A and E FIAP form can be filled in on line. The FIAP Life Card application can be downloaded.

You must be in possession of a FIAP Life Card before you can apply for a distinction. If it is not already on your form you need to make sure that your Federation Code Number of G-04 is on the form. I do not have to sign this form. The life Card will cost 50 Euros.

Please keep a couple of spare photographs as you will need to include the card and one spare photograph with each Distinction Application, as FIAP renew your card with your new Distinction letters. An AFIAP or EFIAP application will cost 56 Euros.

The WPF deadline for posting off a FIAP application is December 1st and the applications are then dealt with by FIAP after January in the next year ie in this case 2010.

I will need to have the application forms with your acceptances and awards details by November 3rd in order to give me time to check them before I sign them. If someone is desperately trying to get one or even two more acceptances before applying please contact me so I can arrange things accordingly.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK THAT ALL YOUR SALON ACCEPTANCES AND AWARDS ARE UNDER FIAP PATRONAGE. It is easy to make a mistake here and include some that are for example only PSA approved. They must have FIAP Patronage.

If anyone has any problems please contact me as soon as possible.

Jan Cawley fiappagbpsa@thewpf.co.uk