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February 2025

Cymru Mono – 2017 Mono Only Battle Result

This report from Gareth Martin:-

Cymru Monochrome’s biggest, and possibly the largest and the only monochrome print battle of its kind held in the UK ever, was held on Saturday 13th May at St. Paul’s Centre, Port Talbot. More than 100 people turned up at “Only Mono” with 41 clubs from all over the UK taking part and with 164 prints of the highest standard to be judged we knew we were in for a treat.

We were there early just to finalise things and people from far and wide started arriving two hours before the start time of 12.45.

The top three clubs were:
1 Inn Focus – 75 points
2 Swansea – 73 points
3 Cotswold Monochrome – 72 points

The top three prints were:
1 Artic Fox – Michael Windle, Cotswold Monochrome
2 Little Owl – Susan Rowlands, Port Talbot
3 Three up – David Bolton AWPF, Tenby    

There were 19 prints awarded an “Only Mono” highly commended certificate. Full score-sheet HERE.

I came up with the idea of running a monochrome print battle that covered clubs from all over the UK several years ago, but it didn’t get off the ground for one reason or other so in April 2016 I put it to the new Cymru Mono committee and they all agreed to the idea. Next, I went looking for a venue and got St. Paul’s Centre.  

We all thought if we get 15/20 clubs that would be fine for starters. Within a month it went above and beyond my dreams.  I think we went up to 30 clubs in one month and although I had a cut off number of 35 clubs, after I stopped advertising it more clubs kept asking could they take part.

I knew Imants Grindulias, of Cardiff CC and a fellow judge, was a wood turner so I asked him to make two trophies and use his design with our club logo in it. I had photographed an Indian Wedding for Ram, owner of Cinnamon Kitchen, in 2015 so I asked him if the restaurant would sponsor the trophies, which he kindly arranged.

Kevin Thomas was top of my list for judges. I have known Kevin since the very early 1980s and we served together on the WPF committee several years ago, so I wanted him to be the first judge to start this battle and he did a superb job for us.

I managed to get the mayor to open the battle and that is thanks to Cllr Saifur Rahman for arranging it within one week. A big thank you also goes to Pyle and Porthcawl PS and Geoff Baker for loaning and setting up the print panel stand for the 19s and 20s.

Jill and Peter Young kindly organised certificates, so a huge thank you to them, along with Peter Thomas who photographed the day. Also, thank you to Cymru Monochrome members for all the little jobs they did, including bringing along raffle prizes so that Mike Lewis, who kindly sold tickets, had something nice with which to tempt buyers.

My wife says she didn’t do anything but she was on hand when needed i.e. to type the score sheet and the mayor’s form.

A big thanks, too, for everyone who turned up and made it a fantastic event; it was worth all the hard work I put into it.

After the event ten of us, including four members of Hailsham CC went to the Cinnamon Kitchen for a well-earned meal.
The planning for the 2018 Only Mono Battle has started. There are ideas being mooted to see if we can make it better, so put this date in your diary:  May 12th 2018 at St. Paul’s Centre, Port Talbot. I will be sending out invitations out around June 24th as this is the time it will be going out in the PAGB News.

Gareth Martin AWPF,CPAGB,
Programme Sec., Comp sec. and Founder of CM

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