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February 2025

Results of the 2022 Ace of Clubs Competition

The competition was held on 20 February 2022 on Zoom.  13 clubs each submitted 30 PDI entries and each of 3 judges scored all 390 entries in the range of 2 to 5 so the minimum score was 6 and the maximum was 15.

The judges, who made a fine job of the scoring, were:


2021 Welsh International Salon of Photography – Catalogue and exhibition

The catalogue of acceptances can be found here.

This takes you to the Creative photographs.

This takes you to the Nature photographs.

This takes you to the Open Colour photographs.

This takes you to the Open Monochrome photographs.

This takes you to the Photo Travel photographs.

This takes you to the Scapes photographs.

And here […]


It was an enormous pleasure for me, at the WPF’s AGM on Sunday 7-Mar-21, to be able virtually to present to Brian Coleman the Award for Meritorious Service of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (APAGB) and to congratulate him on his achievement.  This is an award which is given to individual club members who […]

2020 Christmas Competition

This competition was the concept of Ed Cloutman about 6 weeks ago.  It was held on 9 January 2021 by Zoom with over 90 people having booked to watch the proceedings.  117 club members had entered 1 photograph each, being the best they had made or, in some cases, their favourite.

The judges, Colin Harrison […]

42nd Welsh International Salon of Photography 2020

The exhibition has been posted on this website.  Congratulations to all successful entrants, especially those from the WPF area.

The catalogue can be found here.

The photographs can be seen as follows:

Open Colour Acceptances and Awards here Open Monochrome Acceptances and Awards here Nature Acceptances and Awards here PhotoJournalism Acceptances and Awards here PhotoTravel […]

Zoom licence available to WPF clubs

I’m pleased to announce that the WPF has purchased a Zoom Pro licence which it is making available to clubs from 6-Jul-20.  It enables a meeting of up to 100 people for 24 hours which one of the WPF Executive will host (but almost certainly not for 24 hours).  This will enable clubs, who have […]

WPF 2020 Virtual Conference Videos

In response to a number of requests that we provide an “iPlayer/Catchup” facility for members who were unable to attend, here are videos of the Presentations made by our Speakers on the Conference Weekend.

Bernard Geraghty

“In the Dark”

“Light and Motion”

“The 500 Rule”

Ross McKelvey

“An Eclectic Mix”

“Tips & Tricks in […]

PAGB Recorded Lecture Service

Camera clubs and societies have made the decision to cancel their club meetings in an attempt to reduce the risk of infection of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). To support clubs and societies during this difficult time we have decided to relax the terms of business for the PAGB RLS and allow the distribution of recorded lectures […]