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January 2025

Welsh Salon of Photography 2021 Rules


There shall be an annual exhibition of prints and projected images to be known as The Welsh Salon of Photography. It shall be open to any member of a club which is affiliated to the Welsh Photographic Federation or the North Wales Photographic Association.


What Is The Welsh Salon The Welsh Salon of Photography is intended to be a showcase of the best work from photographers of clubs affiliated to the Welsh Photographic Federation or the North Wales Photographic Association.

It is not a way to gain points for FIAP, PSA or BPE awards.


Dual Club Membership

Entrants who are members of more than one club may enter work for one section as a member of one club, another section as a member of another club etc, or all of the sections as a member of one club, as they wish.  The entries for an individual section must not be split between clubs. All the clubs represented must be affiliated to the WPF or NWPA.


Closing Date

The closing date for entries will be the date of the WPF AGM, 07 March 2021.



· Entrants must be paid up members of a photographic club or society affiliated to the WPF / NWPA

· An entrant may enter the THREE sections.

· Entries should be made in English.

· Sections will comprise Monochrome PDIs, Colour PDIs and Nature PDIs.

· Each section will have a maximum of 4 items.

· The same image must NOT be entered in more than ONE section

· Work accepted for a previous Welsh Salon, whether as a print or a PDI, will not be eligible.

· Slides are not permitted

· Images that are indistinguishable from each other or with the same title will not be accepted for judging

· Images which have previously been accepted, or are indistinguishable from previously accepted images, cannot be entered in any category

· Every constituent image forming part of an entry must be originated by photographic means by the photographer – who must hold the original copyright of all such constituent parts.

· Submission of entry implies acceptance of the rules.

· The right of the WPF to reproduce accepted images for the catalogue, web-site, low resolution CD is given.


Projected Images

· The image title should be no more than 25 characters, the same as the name on the entry form in the format 1-TITLE, 2-TITLE and so on to ease administration of your entry.

· File size will be no bigger than 1600 pixels (horizontally) x 1200 pixels (vertically) and set at 300dpi.



THREE selectors will be appointed by the Executive Committee., at least one of whom will be appointed from outside the WPF.


Entry Fees

Entry fees will be fixed by the Executive Committee and should be paid by PayPal,


Loss & Damage

Although every care will be taken with entries the WPF and its Officers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to entries