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January 2025

PSA Exhibition Judging

Gary Shinner, MPSA, BPSA , Brian Coleman, and myself were invited to be part of a three person Welsh jury in the four circuit TajMahal exhibition organised in India, reprising our efforts in 2019. So may we have seen your entries?

There were five sections, Colour, Monochrome, Nature, Photo Travel and Photo Journalism. In total some 3000 entries which we judged on line before selecting the awards during a Zoom meeting. 

The online process allowed us more time to assess the images than is usual when there is a gathered jury where you have a few brief seconds to award your mark. It also allowed you to review and amend your marks after each section.  After our Zoom session that we felt we arrived at a very balanced set of awards with a varied range of subject matter

We did however comment on the fact that some entrants had clearly not read the rules carefully. We found a few images in the monochrome section that were wholly or partially coloured. Some had clearly not taken on board the rules about staged images in PT and PJ.  Some excellent images in PT were clearly staged but had they been in the colour or mono sections would have been contenders for awards.

So Exhibition entrants do take note and try not to fall into these pitfalls. Always read the rules so that your images have the best chance of success.

Good luck with your entries.

Ian Ledgard GMPSA / PSA Membership Director, Wales

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