The PAGB Executive has reviewed and agreed changes to the General Conditions for all events, the Monochrome definition and the Nature definition have changed and new rules have been introduced for ‘out of area’ members.
The rules for each event and the guidance on image repetition have been updated to match the changes. The object is to make compliance by entrant federations and clubs and photographers easier to understand, and so reduce problems arising between entrants and event organisers.
See the individual documents via the competitions page or by viewing them in the links below.
General Conditions (for all events)
PAGB (FIAP) Monochrome Definition (for some events).
PAGB Nature Definition (for some events).
Guidance about Image Repetition in Events (for all events).
There are also new rules for ‘Out of Area Photographers‘. For the PAGB Events with Club Entrants (Print Championship, Projected Digital Images Championship, GB Trophies, GB Cups), a Club may not enter the work of more than one Photographer who resides more than thirty miles outside the boundaries of the Club’s Federation. See the ‘General Conditions’ here.