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January 2025

PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit



The Awards are open to all Clubs affiliated to the PAGB through their Federations and are at three levels:

Credit – CPAGB (Blue Badge and Certificate)

Distinction – DPAGB (Red Badge and Certificate)

Master (MPAGB (Gold Badge and Certificate)

The awards are held for life without any annual fee and holders are entitled to use the designated letters after their name.


All applicants must pre-qualify in accordance with the WPF`s criteria as having supported Federation photographic events. This support must have been for a minimum of 2 years for CPAGB, 3 years for DPAGB and 5 years for MPAGB from current active photographers. A retrospective period of 10 years may be considered.
Applicants for MPAGB must have held DPAGB for at least 11 months on the date of application.

Prints and Slides

Print and slide Adjudications will normally be held in April and November.
The closing dates may be varied according to demand. section is 5. The maximum number of prints and slides adjudicated on any one day is 650.

Adjudication will be carried out by 6 persons selected from the PAGB judges list.
Each print and slide will be scored electronically (2 to 5) by each adjudicator but only the total score for each photograph will be announced.
Pictures will not be presented as panels but will be mixed and judged as individual images.
Prints should be mounted but not framed. The maximum size including mount is 50cm x 60cm. Mounts to be lightweight of a type that will not damage other prints when stacked.
Velcro© or any similar material must not be on either side of prints.
The title can be on the front of the print but not the applicant’s name.
Slide mounts should normally be 5cm x 5cm. Superslides are acceptable.
Large formats suitable for projection will be accepted if there is sufficient demand.
Mixed Print and Slide entries are not permitted.

Audio Visual

Adjudication will be held in March every other year with a closing date for applications of 31st January. This may be varied according to demand. The minimum number of entrants for any one day is 10. the maximum is dependent on the length of the sequences.
adjudication will be carried out by 3 persons selected from the PAGB AV Judges List and each applicant’s sequence will be shown consecutively then scored as a whole by each adjudicator marking 2 to 5. Only the total score will be announced.
The applicant’s names must not appear anywhere in the production.
(See the guidance notes for Joint Applications.)

Guidance Leaflets

A booklet will soon be available; the first covers print, slide and AV applications and the second supplements the rules to help applicants understand the adjudication process ( these are available from the Awards Secretary )

Credit of The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (CPAGB)

The Federation must certify on the application form that the applicant has supported qualifying photographic events for a minimum of 2 years in the preceeding 10.

The standard is that of ‘Good and high scoring Club Photography’

The entry fee is £60

10 slides or 10 Prints are required and a total score of 200 or more will gain the award.

For Audio Visual one or more sequences with a total running time of 10 to 15 minutes are required or, for a joint Submission, 2 or more sequences with a running time of 20 to 30 minutes. A total score of 10 or more will gain the award.

Distinction of The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (DPAGB)

Subject to this pre-qualification an application can be made for the DPAGB Award without first gaining the CPAGB Award.

The standard is at least that of ‘open exhibition Photography and Salon Level photography’.

The entry fee is £90

15 Prints or 15 Slides are required and a total score of 300 or more will gain the award.

For Audio visual , 2 or more sequences with a total running time of 15 to 20 minutes are required or, for a Joint submission, 4 or more sequences with a running time of 30 to 40 minutes. A total score of 10 or more will gain the award.

Master of The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (MPAGB)

Applicants for MPAGB must have held the DPAGB Award for 11 months on the date of the adjudication and have gained a further 10 points in this time.

The standard is that of ‘The highest Standard of Amateur Photography’.

The entry fee is £120.

20 Slides or 20 Prints are required and a total score of 450 or more will gain the award.

For Audio Visual 3 or more sequences with a total running time of 20 to 25 minutes are required or, for a Joint Submission, 6 or more sequences with a running time of 40 to 50 minutes. A unanimous decision by the adjudicators with a total score of 12 or more will gain the award.


Adjudications are open to spectators. Entrants receive one free ticket. Further tickets may be obtained or purchased from the organising Federation.

Prints and Slides for use at future Adjudications

All successful applicants will be required to loan a print or slide that scored in the passing range. These entries will be used prior to the appropriate level at future Adjudications to demonstrate the standard of entry in the passing range. 

Where the selected item is a print it will be returned on request after one year, this will enable it to be used at the following two Adjudications. If the selected item is a slide it will be copied by the PAGB and the original will be returned to you as soon as possible.


Entries for all sections may be sent in advance or can be delivered and collected on the Adjudication Day.

Re-submission all sections.

Entrants who fail to gain the award may make further applications in the same medium and at the same level for a fee of £tbc.

Withdrawal of Entry

If an Applicant has reason to withdrawal from an adjudication they will be offered the following alternative-

1. a refund of their fee less a £10.00 Administration charge and the Applicant may not enter again for 12 months.  OR

2. subject to a space being available, and payment of any balance due( if the entry fees are increased in the interim), their application will be transferred to the next Adjudication plus one. If the applicant accepts this route and subsequently withdraws a second time their total fee will be forfeited.

Appointed Chairman of Adjudicators

The Chairman (non-voting) will brief the Adjudicators beforehand and observe throughout to ensure a degree of consistency. he is authorised to review ‘Near Misses’ on the day and if appropriate, remark individual pictures which may result in a pass score.

Review Procedure

In addition to the review of ‘near miss entrants’ by the Appointed Chairman of the Adjudicators on the Adjudication day, applicants who did not achieve the minimum number of marks necessary to gain the award may ask for further re-examination.
Requests will be considered in the light of the analysis of all the marks on all of the adjudication days. If it is considered that the level of marking for the particular adjudication was inconsistent with the standards laid down, then a panel will be appointed to reassess all those who wish it.
Applicants will bear all the postal costs involved.

For more information about the PAGB’s award scheme look HERE but to apply you must contact the WPF’s PAGB Awards Officer Jan Cawley pagbfiappsa@thewpf.co.uk