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February 2025

FIAP – all information

Federation Internationale de Art Photographique (FIAP)
Many club photographers ask “What is AFIAP or EFIAP after a photographer’s name”? It is a distinction awarded for photographic merit by the Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP for short).

What can be gained by having this distinction?  Well a lot!  Firstly, and most importantly, it introduces you to photography outside your club boundaries.  It is a challenge to see how well your pictures are received on an international stage.  It is nothing to be frightened of and is really worth ‘having a go’.  There is a list of Salons produced each year, and you can choose which ones to enter.  Often they have themes like ‘Man and Work’ or ‘Ecological Truth’, but most have ‘open colour’, ‘open mono’, nature and sections such as ‘travel’, ‘photo-journalism’, ‘creative’, etc. These competitions are set up by groups in most countries and they have a panel of judges who select the pictures.  If your picture is accepted then it will always be listed in their catalogue, and may be printed in the catalogue.  Some Salons do not produce catalogues, only a CD-ROM.  This will appear in the Internet list.  The great thing is that you will always see examples of the best photography that the Salon has produced. Any acceptances will go towards your distinction, the rules of which appear below.  To start with you will need to apply for a ‘FIAP Photographer’s Card’, which you pay for once.  You can then go forward and enter Salons to gain acceptances towards your distinction.

Have a go – or better still get a group of you together in your club to enter – it is great fun and addictive!

You can see some examples of some of the best AFIAP acceptances last year in the Scottish Photographic Federation.

FIAP PHOTOGRAPHER’S CARD All candidates for a FIAP Distinction made to national federations after 1st January 2004 must hold a FIAP Photographers Card.

You must apply for one of these Life Cards by registering with  FIAP 
You can register with FIAP by creating a free personal profile on the myfiap.net platform.

You can access the account here:  https://www.myfiap.net/user/register/fp

There is a video explaining how to proceed on Youtube : https://youtu.be/imghsDi8UiQ

You will be issued with a card number and a profile number, both of which you will be required to fill in on your dossier.

We are encouraging you to take your photography further and apply for a distinction by providing easy to read information.  On applying to your WPF Liaison Officer, you will be provided with a starter pack with all the information required to enter international salons,  It may seem a bit daunting at first, but the Liaison Officer will be able to give you advice.  After the judging has taken place, you will receive a catalogue or DVD (depending on the salon) which will keep you up-to-date on all the best amateur photography throughout the world.  The quality of some of these catalogues is quite breathtaking.

Your starter pack will include:
A letter of introduction.
The official FIAP Distinctions Document.
How to fill in your Dossier form (a more informal guide).
The latest FIAP Dossier Form.
Applications will cost £60:00

The following FIAP Distinctions can be accorded for artistic achievements:
AFIAP (Artiste FIAP)
EFIAP (Excellence FIAP)
EFIAP-levels (Bronze,silver, gold, platinum, diamonds 1, 2, and 3)
AV-AFIAP (Artiste FIAP – Audio Visual)
AV-EFIAP (Excellence FIAP – Audio Visual)
AV-MFIAP (Master FIAP – Audio Visual)


Closing date for applications this year is 10th September 2021.

Deadline for applications this year is 10th October 2021.

NOTE!  Although the closing date is the last possible time for your submission to be checked by me, you are advised that your acceptances will not be valid until FIAP have received the Salon file from the respective salon.  Hence you should aim for completion of the requirements well before this date.

The deadline is the last date I will accept Dossiers.  They will be sent to FIAP unchecked and all paperwork and fees must have been paid.

Changes to the requirements were due to take place from January 2022 but have now been postponed until at least 2023.  Considerably more acceptances will be required, more countries and only 5 acceptances per title will be allowed.  At present no prints are required.

Those of you thinking of trying for your AFIAP would be advised to do so right away so that you can submit before Septembers next year under the existing rules.  Fees are also reduced this year and no Prints are required.  Apply to me and you will receive the above starter pack and other information including the current dossier.

Ed Cloutman
WPF FIAP Liaison Officer
March 2021

Contact Ed on fiap@thewpf.co.uk