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January 2025

Eleven get their AWPF in 2012

The AWPF distinctions day was held in Talbot Green on Sunday 11th November. Sixteen photographers enter panels. Eleven were successful and became Associates of the Welsh Photographic Federation. The chair of the judges was Kevin Thomas ably assisted by Jenny Hibbert, Roger Parry, Ann Davies and Leigh Woolford – thanks to them for the grand job they did. The standard of work was considered to be high right across the board and my thanks to all those who tried. Allan Squires no longer holds the title of being the only digital AWPF as this year we had two successful digital entries from India! So, congratulations to the following:- 

Eric Williams of Newport Photographic Club
Sian Davies of Caernarvon Camera Club
John Lee of Bridgend Camera Club
Tony Charles of Cardiff Camera Club
David Smith of Newport Photographic Club
Mary Pipkin of Towy Valley camera Club
Dennis Clark of Bridgend Camera Club
David Norton of Rhondda camera Club
Royston Leonard of Cardiff Camera Club
Tamma Srinivassa Reddy of Photo India
Mergu Chandra Shekhar of Photocircle Heydrabad, India
The pass rate this year was 68 % – so does this point to the success of the Workshops in some way – if so well done to all those who helped at these events. Alan Shepherd. Distinctions Secretary.  Gallery here

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