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February 2025

Ainslie Stuart-Jones HonPAGB ARPS 1930-2013

Ainslie was born into the family home in Swansea in 1930 joining a brother. He attended Leeds private school before going on to Aberystwyth University where he obtained an honours degree in Botany. After university he joined the family business of coopers, hauliers and property owners in the Swansea Area. He lived in the same house throughout his life.

Ainslie soon became interested in photography and after doing National service, where he rose to the rank of Sergeant, he joined Swansea Camera Club and was soon taking an active part in its running. He remained a member throughout his life.

He soon also became a staunch member of the newly formed Welsh Photographic Federation which for many years represented photography for the whole of Wales, north and south. Ainslie’s main role was of that of CELO – Competitions Exhibitions Liaison Officer. He also undertook, alongside Bryn Evans, the task of running the Welsh salon of Photography and it is for that job that many will remember him.

In the early 30s the family business was sold and Ainslie was able to dedicate himself to his passion for Photography, making it his life’s ambition to assist it in all its glory throughout Wales.

It was in the 1970s when joining Swansea Camera Club that I first met him, a private man. I soon joined him on the WPF executive and became part of the team running the Welsh Salon. He would also ask Ann and me to assist him in his yearly task of hanging the PAGB travelling print exhibition.

During this time he also became extremely well known around the clubs as he travelled extensively giving lecturers and judging monthly competitions. In later life he also judged the Swansea International Salon of Photography.

His brother, and companion through life, passed away some years ago but Ainslie carried on until, through illness, he had to withdraw from his beloved photography. He passed away after a short time in hospital.

Some who new him may through work commitment, infirmity or other reasons be unable to attend on Monday so to those people we request that at around 11.30 to 11.45 you pause and reminisce how Ainslie affected you through the love of photography that we all embrace.

We will miss this stalwart of photography and it will be sometime before someone like Ainslie comes along again, if ever.

Phil Davies Hon FWPF

On behalf WPF Exec past and present.

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